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    Webulating Revisited with RPG's Open Access

These are the assorted source files for the Open Access for RPG example published in the November 2010 issue of the iSeries EXTRA newsletter. You can see an example of the output clicking here . It is not particularly pretty but that is just a function of the HTML template. I hope to add some "prettier" examples in the future.

If you don't feel like doing a copy/paste job on the code below you can get a zip file of all the sources involved here.

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The "User" Program

This uses the OAR Handler program shown below. Note that the only difference in the code from the original print file program is the use of the HANDLER keyword on the file's F-spec.

The HTML template used by the handler is shown here.

The definitions for the files used can be found here.

     FXProducts IF   E           K DISK
     FXCategors IF   E           K DISK    Prefix('XC')
     FProdRptF  O    E             PRINTER OFLIND(*IN99)
     F                                     Handler( 'WEBPRINTER' )

     D WriteTotals     Pr

     D totalSell       s             11p 2
     D totalDisc       s             11p 2
     D currentCategory...
     D                 s                   Like(CatCode)
     D descr           s             30a

     D endOfPage       c                   99


       Write Heading;

       // Read product file to prime Do loop and set last category
       Read XProducts;
       currentCategory = catCode;

       // Continue reading until EOF
       Dow Not %EOF(XProducts);
         If catCode <> currentCategory;
           currentCategory = catCode;

         // Print details
         If *In(endOfPage);
           Write Heading;
           *In(endOfPage) = *Off;

         // Increment category totals
         totalSell += (sellPrice * qtyOnHand);
         totalDisc += (discPrice * qtyOnHand);

         descr = shortDesc;

         Write Detail;

         // Read next record and return to top of loop
         Read XProducts;


       // Output final set of totals
       *inLR = *on;


     P WriteTotals     B
     D                 PI


       Chain currentCategory XCategors;
       If Not %Found(XCategors);
         XCcatName = '*** Missing ***';

       Write CatTotals;

       // Reset totals
       totalSell = 0;
       totalDisc = 0;


     P WriteTotals     E 

The Handler Program

All of the real work takes place in this handler. In this example it was compiled as a PGM object.


     H DftActGrp(*No) Option(*SrcStmt) BndDir('CGIDEV2/CGIDEV2')

       // Standard IBM supplied Open Access definitions
      /copy qrnopenacc
       // CGIDEV2 Prototypes
      /copy cgidev2/qrpglesrc,prototypeb
       // QUSEC error structure definition
      /copy cgidev2/qrpglesrc,usec

      // On V7 and later systems this PR can be removed and so can those for
      //   local subprocedures openFile(), writeFile() and closeFile().
     D WebPrinter      pr                  ExtPgm('WEBPRINTER')
     D   info                              likeds(QrnOpenAccess_T)

      // Definitions for local subprocedures
     D openFile        pr

     D writeFile       pr

     D closeFile       pr

     D WebPrinter      pi
     D   info                              likeds(QrnOpenAccess_T)

      // Field Names/Values structures
     D nvInput         ds                  likeds(QrnNamesValues_T)
     D                                     based(pNvInput)


         If info.rpgOperation = QrnOperation_WRITE;
            // Set up access to Name/Value information
             pNvInput = info.namesValues;
            // Write error is unlikely but signal it if it occurs

         elseIf info.rpgOperation = QrnOperation_OPEN;
            // Specify that we want to use Name/Value intformation
            info.useNamesValues = *On;
         elseIf info.rpgOperation = QrnOperation_CLOSE;

            // Any other operation is unsupported so notify RPG
            info.rpgStatus = 1299;  // general error status



     P openFile        b
     D openFile        pi

     D skeletonName    s            256a   Varying Inz('/Partner400/')

         // Build HTML template name using File name then retrieve template
         skeletonName += ( %TrimR(
                         + '_Template.html' );
         GetHTMLIFS( skeletonName: '');
         UpdHTMLVar( 'Date': %Char(%Date()): '0');


     P openFile        e

     P closeFile       b
     D closeFile       pi

       WrtSection( 'Footer' );

       // Activate the following line to allow you to test the program on systems where you 
       // cannot set up or modify the web server. It lets you output the HTML to a stream file 
       // so you can then simply copy the file to your PC and launch it directly in the browser.
       // WrtHTMLToStmf( '/Partner400/Test.html': 819 );
       // Comment out the following line if activating the WrtHTMLToStmf line above
       WrtSection( '*Fini' );


     P closeFile       e

     P writeFile       b
     D                 pi

     D value           s          32470a   Based(pvalue)
     D i               s              5i 0
       // Process all fields in record
       For i = 1 to nvInput.num;
         pvalue = nvInput.field(i).value; // set up to access data

         UpdHTMLVar( nvInput.field(i).externalName:
                     %subst( value: 1: nvInput.field(i).valueLenBytes ));


       // Now write out current record format

       WrtSection( info.recordName );


     P writeFile       e

HTML Template

Note that the template in this case is named PRODRPTF_Template.html' - i.e. the name of the original printer file suffixed by '_Template.html'. Note also that the Section names correspond with the record format names in the printer file.

<!-- Heading -->

<h3>Products By Category As At /%Date%/ - Value of Current Inventory</h3>

<table width=800 border=1 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1>
    <th width=75>Category Code</th>
    <th width=75>Product Code</th>
    <th width=300>Description</th>
    <th width=100>Selling Price</th>
    <th width=100>Discount Price</th>
    <th width=100>Quantity on Hand</th>

<!-- Detail -->
    <td width=75 height=39 align="center">/%CatCode%/</td>
    <td width=75 align="center">/%ProdCode%/</td>
    <td width=300 align="left">/%Descr%/</td>
    <td width=100 align="right">/%SellPrice%/</td>
    <td width=100 align="right">/%DiscPrice%/</td>
    <td width=100 align="right">/%QtyOnHand%/</td>

<!-- CatTotals -->
    <td colspan=2 height=39>Values for category:</td>
    <td width=300 align="left">/%XCCatName%/</td>
    <td width=100 align="right">/%TotalSell%/</td>
    <td width=100 align="right">/%TotalDisc%/</td>
    <td width=100> </td>

<!-- Footer -->

DDS For Files Used

These are the DDS sources for the Printer and Physical files used in the "User" program above. I have not included the /COPY members as they are supplied by CGIDEV2 or by IBM.

Printer File PRODRPTF

     A                                      REF(PARTNER400/XPRODUCTS)
     A          R HEADING
     A                                      SKIPB(1)
     A                                     1'Products By Category As At'
     A                                    28DATE(*JOB *YY)
     A                                      EDTCDE(Y)
     A                                    39'- Value of Current Inventory'
     A                                      SPACEA(1)
     A                                     1' Category Product   Description   -
     A                                                               Selling   -
     A                                        Discount     Quantity'
     A                                      SPACEA(1)
     A                                     1' Code     Code                    -
     A                                                               Price     -
     A                                        Price        on Hand'
     A                                      SPACEA(2)
     A          R DETAIL                    SPACEA(1)
     A            CATCODE   R              3
     A            PRODCODE  R             10
     A            DESCR         30        21
     A            SELLPRICE R             57EDTCDE(K)
     A            DISCPRICE R             72EDTCDE(K)
     A            QTYONHAND R             86EDTCDE(K)
     A          R CATTOTALS                 SPACEB(1)
     A                                      SPACEA(1)
     A                                     1'Values for category: '
     A            XCCATNAME     30A       22
     A            TOTALSELL     11  2     52EDTCDE(K)
     A            TOTALDISC     11  2     67EDTCDE(K)

Physical File XPRODUCTS

     A          R PRODUCTREC
     A            PRODCODE       5A
     A            SHORTDESC     40A         VARLEN(40)
     A            FULLDESC     200A         VARLEN(100)
     A            CATCODE        2A
     A            QTYONHAND      5P 0
     A            SELLPRICE      7P 2
     A            DISCPRICE      7P 2
     A          K CATCODE
     A          K PRODCODE

Physical File XCATEGORS

     A          R CATEGORREC
     A            CATCODE        2A
     A            CATNAME       30A
     A          K CATCODE
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