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    SPECIAL Files - Sources
These are the source files for the USESPCIAL2/3 and DIRREADER2 programs dicsussed in the May 2010 edition of IBM i Extra

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     H DftActGrp(*No) BndDir('QC2LE')
     H Option(*NoDebugIO : *SrcStmt)

       // DirReader2
       //  - Used as SPECIAL file to read entries in a specified directory
       //  - Actual directory to open given by the fifth (extra) parm
       //  - 80 character INFDS passed as sixth (extra) parm


     D template_INFDS  DS                  Template
      /Copy EXTRASRC,ShortINFDS

     D* directoryData E DS                  ExtName(DIRENTRIES) Qualified

      // Prototype for CEEUTCO API - Obtains current time zone offset
     D CEEUTCO         PR
     D   Hours                       10I 0
     D   Mins                        10I 0
     D   Secs                         8F
     D   fc                          12A   options(*omit)

       // Prototype to keep the compiler happy
     D DirReader2      Pr                  ExtPGM('DIRREADER2')
     D  requestedAction...
     D                                1a
     D  statusFlag                    1a
     D  errorCode                     5s 0
     D  recordData                    1a
     D  directoryToOpen...
     D                              640a   Varying
     D  INFDS                              LikeDS(template_INFDS)

       // Procedure Interface used instead of *Entry PList
     D DirReader2      PI
       // First four are the standard parameter definitions
       //   passed for SPECIAL files from the RPG program
     D  action                        1a
     D  status                        1a
     D  error                         5s 0
      // Length of data will actually be determined by which record
      //   layout we map to - the length here is irrelevant
     D  recordData                    1a
      // These are the extra parameters specified within the RPG program
      //   They are the name of the directory to open and the INFDS
     D  dirName                     640a   Varying
     D  INFDS                              LikeDS(template_INFDS)

      // Definitions for directory entry, record layouts etc.
     D  entryName      S            640a   Varying

     D LongEntry     E DS                  ExtName(LONGDIRE)  Based(p_data)
     D                                     Qualified

     D ShortEntry    E DS                  Extname(SHORTDIRE) Based(p_data)
     D                                     Qualified

     D p_data          S               *

      *   Constants for SPECIAL file operation requests
     D OPEN            C                   'O'
     D READ            C                   'R'
     D CLOSE           C                   'C'

     D EOF             C                   '1'
     D ERR             C                   '2'
     D OK              C                   '0'

     D pdir            S               *

     D message         S             52a

      // Definitions for time zone offset calculations
     D hours           S             10i 0
     D minutes         S             10i 0
     D offsetSeconds   S              8f
     D epoch           c                   z'1970-01-01-00.00.00'
     D adjustedEpoch   s               z

       p_data = %Addr(recordData); // Set record basing pointerr

         When action = READ;
           p_dirEnt = ReadDir( pdir );
           If p_dirEnt <> *Null;  // If pointer is valid we have a record
             entryName = %Subst( dE_name: 1: dE_nameLen );
             If Stat( entryName: p_statDS ) < 0;
               dirName = 'File: ' + entryName; // Identify failing file name
               ExSr ReportError;
               // Create required entries in the record buffer depending on
               //   the record type
               If INFDS.RECORD = 'LONGREC';
                 longEntry.type     = st_objtype;
            = entryName;
                 longEntry.created  = adjustedEpoch + %seconds( st_ctime );
                 longEntry.accessed = adjustedEpoch + %seconds( st_atime );
                 longEntry.modified = adjustedEpoch + %seconds( st_mtime );
                 shortEntry.type = st_objtype;
        = entryName;
           Else;              // otherwise we're at the end of the "File"
             status = EOF;

         When action = OPEN;
           pdir = OpenDir( dirName );
           If pdir = *Null;  // If pointer is null then open failed
             ExSr ReportError;  // Obtains error details and reports failure

         When action = CLOSE;
           CloseDir( pdir );



       BegSr ReportError;

         // Obtains errno and sets it into the file's feedback area

         status = ERR;
         p_errno = GetPtr_errno();
         error = errno;

         // Form basic error message
         If action = OPEN;
           message = 'Open error: ' + %Str( strError(errno));
           message = 'Read error: ' + %Str( strError(errno));

         Dsply message;


       // Routine calculates an epoch timestamp adjusted to account for
       //   the current time zone offset. This is then used to produce
       //   correct timestamps for dates in the directory entries.

       BegSr *InzSr;
       // Call CEEUTCO to obtain current time zone offset in seconds
          CEEUTCO( hours: minutes: offsetSeconds: *omit );
       // Then add them to the base date to form adjusted epoch
          adjustedEpoch = epoch + %seconds( %int( offsetSeconds ) );


Program USESPCIAL2 - sample program that uses the DIRREADER2 special file

     FDirEntriesIF   E             SPECIAL PgmName('DIRREADER2')
     F                                     PList(DirReaderParm)
     F                                     UsrOpn
     F                                     INFDS(INFDS)

     FQPrint    O    F  132        PRINTER

     D INFDS           DS                  QUALIFIED
      /Copy ExtraSrc,ShortINFDS

     D directoryName   S            640a   Varying
     D                                     Inz('/Partner400')

     D message         S             52a
     D shortName       S             34a

       Open(E) DirEntries;
       If %Error;
         message = 'Directory: ' + directoryName; // Report error and quit
         Dsply message;
         *InLR = *On;

       Dou %EOF(DirEntries);
         Read(E) LongRec;
         If ( not %Error ) AND ( not %EOF(DirEntries) );
           shortName = name;
           except main;
         ElseIf %Error;
           message = directoryName; // Report (truncated) file name and quit
           Dsply message;
           Leave; // Exit read loop


       *InLR = *On;

      // SPECIAL files need a PList for extra parms. Sadly we
      //   have to code that in fixed form but we hide it down here!
     C     PListDummy    BegSr
     C     DirReaderParm PList
     C                   Parm                    directoryName
     C                   Parm                    INFDS
     C                   EndSr

     OQPrint    E            main
     O                       type                12
     O                       created             40
     O                       accessed            68
     O                       modified            96
     O                       shortName          132 

Program USESPCIAL3 - Alternate version of USESPCIAL2 that uses the short directory entry format

     FShortDirE IF   E             SPECIAL PgmName('DIRREADER2')
     F                                     PList(DirReaderParm)
     F                                     UsrOpn
     F                                     INFDS(INFDS)

     FQPrint    O    F  132        PRINTER

     D INFDS           DS                  QUALIFIED
      /Copy ExtraSrc,ShortINFDS

     D directoryName   S            640a   Varying
     D                                     Inz('/Partner400')

     D message         S             52a
     D shortName       S            118a

       Open(E) ShortDirE;
       If %Error;
         message = 'Directory: ' + directoryName; // Report error and quit
         Dsply message;
         *InLR = *On;

       Dou %EOF(ShortDirE);
         Read(E) ShortRec;
         If ( not %Error ) AND ( not %EOF(ShortDirE) );
           shortName = name;
           except main;
         ElseIf %Error;
           message = directoryName; // Report (truncated) file name and quit
           Dsply message;
           Leave; // Exit read loop


       *InLR = *On;

      // SPECIAL files need a PList for extra parms. Sadly we
      //   have to code that in fixed form but we hide it down here!
     C     PListDummy    BegSr
     C     DirReaderParm PList
     C                   Parm                    directoryName
     C                   Parm                    INFDS
     C                   EndSr

     OQPrint    E            main
     O                       type                12
     O                       shortName          132 

Source IFSDIRPROT - prototypes for IFS routines

      // IFSDIRPROT - Prototypes for IFS directory processing
      //            - Includes DS definitions for directory entry and
      //              stat() data

     D OpenDir         Pr              *   ExtProc('opendir')
     D  ppath                          *   Value  Options(*String)

     D ReadDir         Pr              *   ExtProc('readdir')
     D  pdirectory                     *   Value

     D CloseDir        Pr            10I 0 ExtProc('closedir')
     D  pdirectory                     *   Value

     D Stat            Pr            10I 0 ExtProc('stat')
     D                                 *   Value Options(*String)
     D                                 *   Value

       // Function and data definitions for obtaining current errno value and string
     D GetPtr_errno    Pr              *   ExtProc('__errno')

     D p_errno         S               *
     D p_errnoTxt      S               *
     D errno           S             10I 0 Based(p_errno)

     D strerror        Pr              *   extproc('strerror')
     D  errno                        10I 0 value

       // RPG Translation of C member STAT from file SYS in library QSYSINC
     D p_statDS        S               *   Inz(%addr(statDS))

     D statDS          DS
     D  st_mode                      10U 0
     D  st_ino                       10U 0
     D  st_nlink                      5U 0
     D  st_pad                        2A
     D  st_uid                       10U 0
     D  st_gid                       10U 0
     D  st_size                      10I 0
     D  st_atime                     10I 0
     D  st_mtime                     10I 0
     D  st_ctime                     10I 0
     D  st_dev                       10U 0
     D  st_blksize                   10U 0
     D  st_allocsize                 10U 0
     D  st_objtype                   12A
     D  st_codepage                   5U 0
     D  st_reserved1                 62A
     D  st_ino_gen_id                10U 0

       // DS for directory entry information retrieved by readdir
     D dirEnt          DS                  Based(p_dirEnt)
     D  dE_res1                      16a
     D  dE_genId                     10u 0
     D  dE_fileNo                    10u 0
     D  dE_recLen                    10u 0
     D  dE_res3                      10i 0
     D  dE_res4                       6a
     D  dE_res5                       2a
     D  dE_NLSinfo
     D   dE_CCSID                    10i 0 Overlay(dE_NLSInfo)
     D   dE_country                   2a   Overlay(dE_NLSInfo: *Next)
     D   dE_language                  3a   Overlay(dE_NLSInfo: *Next)
     D   dE_res6                      3a   Overlay(dE_NLSInfo: *Next)
     D  dE_nameLen                   10u 0
     D  dE_name                     640a

      // End of source IFSDIRPROT 	

Source SHORTINFDS - RPG controlled portion of full INFDS

      // Modified version of source generated by RDP D-Spec generator.
      //   I hate From/To notation but since all the IBM examples use it ...
      // Only the RPG supplied information is present as SPECIAL files do
      //   not supply all of the normal I/O and Open feedback information
      // No actual DS name entry provided to allow you to supply
      //   your own name and/or have multiples in the program etc.

      // File information feedback DS for file feedback
     D  FILE                   1      8a                                        * file name
     D  OPEN_IND               9      9n                                        * file open?
     D  EOF_IND               10     10n                                        * file at eof?
     D  FILESTATUS            11     15s 0                                      * Status code
     D  OPCODE                16     21a                                        * Last opcode
     D  ROUTINE               22     29a                                        * RPG Routine
     D  LIST_NUM              30     37a                                        * Listing line
     D  SPCL_STAT             38     42s 0                                      * SPECIAL status
     D  RECORD                38     45a                                        * Record name
     D  MSGID                 46     52                                         * Error MSGID
     D                        53     66a                                        * Unused
     D  SCREEN                67     70s 0                                      * Screen size
     D  NLS_IN                71     72s 0                                      * NLS Input?
     D  NLS_OUT               73     74s 0                                      * NLS Output?
     D  NLS_MODE              75     76s 0                                      * NLS Mode?
     D  LIST_NUM_SRC          77     78i 0          

Source for LONGDIRE and SHORTDIRE Files used by USESPCIAL2 and 3


     A* Long Directory entry file layout used by DIRREADER2
     A          R LONGREC
     A            TYPE          12A
     A            NAME         640A         VARLEN
     A            CREATED         Z
     A            ACCESSED        Z
     A            MODIFIED        Z

     A* Short Directory entry file layout used by DIRREADER2
     A          R SHORTREC
     A            TYPE          12A
     A            NAME         640A         VARLEN
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